السبت، 24 سبتمبر 2011

zad beauty: for girls

Today we will see with some set of natural recipes Old Htisaaadk to lighten areas dark in the body, especially the DVD problem Ptani them girls Kter very result of friction and violin dry skin in areas D, violin Hnchov with some set of tips to get rid of grain and skin care body ... Nchov night with some.

Recipe yogurt and lupine

Recipe Tameliha possible before removing the hair to lighten the dark places in the body area of ​​uniform elbow and knee, and all you you you bring Old needs de ...

Yogurt.Termes ground.Orange juice.

Mix ingredients DVD all together, and Aferdiha areas dark in your body, and Sabhe for 10 minutes and after that rinse your body with lukewarm water, and the idea of ​​hair removal Basuet periodically every 20 days from the elbow and knee, even if the vacuum. Felt them Pisaad on Faham.

Recipe olive oil

Recipe sweet violin and Uwe lighten an area under the armpit or between the thighs, "the bikini line."

Olive oilAlmond oilAccurate coarse "flour Kitty"

Mix all ingredients DVD together and rub the areas D, Alhan feel a result is possible Tamli recipe de 3 times a week, and generally if Ayza your whole body remains one color is required Takhadda daily bath and Tstamla lotion on the body, and possible Tstkhaddma fiber Moroccan rub your body twice a week , but with not more than this Alhan Ilthbash your body.

Recipe for honey, salt, coarse

If you Ptstki the presence of patches in the skin as a result of grain remains possible that you rid yourself of the spots you Tamli de prescription de ...

HoneyCoarse saltTermes groundSquash

Mix all ingredients with each DVD was excellent and after that de Rub the mixture on your body, but I mind that my cheeks rubbing your skin to be comfortable Alhan what Ihsalh have any inflammation, Seppi mixture on your body for 7 minutes, and after that rinse your body with lukewarm water. Repeat prescription DVD twice a week and Htcovi the difference yourself .. Violin possible you Tstkhaddma peeled on Z "Clean & Clear."

Tips to get rid of grain

Appearance of grain in the body, especially in the back of the problems Ptkabl Old Girls Kter and replaced with a type of anxiety and distress, and the only treatment is that you consult a dermatologist Dr. Alhan Adekke proper treatment and with treatment advice Tamli de Alhan can treat your problem:

Banish from clothing made from fabrics and industrial Tkhalaki always in clothes made of cotton, and it will rite you are in a period of Old Ptani banish the problem of grain for the narrow Old Albadahat formation attached to the body.Necessary Takhadda daily bath, and in the summer as possible twice a day.Tstamla medical or acidic soap "friendly formation found in pharmacies," the fiber with the regular, but I needed a cathartic fiber Kues disinfectant after use Z "Dettol".If you have boils Tfrckaha possible using wet wipes and wipe after that place a white piece of cloth wet by alcohol.

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