For the color brown: -1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4-3 tablespoons peel eggplant.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Reddish brown:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4 - tablespoons of Arabic coffee.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
The color of chocolate:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4-5 tablespoons of cocoa powder.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Color brown:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4 - a cup of boiled chamomile.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Copper color:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - Seven Up a small tray.4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Color: Red1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - cup of boiled hibiscus (Roma).4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5-3 teaspoons of dried pomegranate peel.6 - cup of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Thymus color:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - teaspoon food color (Totti) in a glass of water.4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5 - drink a glass of femtosecond center.6 - cup of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Color of the blood of deer:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - two cups of blood Ghazal solution (a tablespoon of powdered deer blood in each cup of water).4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5 - a glass of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Blond color:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - juice Amontin.3-3 tablespoons turmeric.4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5 - a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Important Information:- The amount of hot water according to your opinion .. I mean, what must be coherent and makes the mixture rather than a liquid.
- In the case of dry hair to reduce the amount of vinegar and one large spoon and add 3 tablespoons of corn oil.
- Preferably use steam to the hair for 30 to 60 minutes .. And then drying the hair.
- Wash the henna with water and conditioner only .. And you can wash it with shampoo the next day.
- To install if the dye for a longer period .. Boil the orange peel and lemon with hot water used in the kneading for 10 minutes before using it for kneading.
- If you feel that the color is significant because the dark hair .. National whiten your hair using lemon and when it opens .. Use henna dye and rejoice, the result .. Color will look more noticeable

Reddish brown:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4 - tablespoons of Arabic coffee.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
The color of chocolate:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4-5 tablespoons of cocoa powder.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Color brown:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).4 - a cup of boiled chamomile.5 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Copper color:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - Seven Up a small tray.4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Color: Red1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - cup of boiled hibiscus (Roma).4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5-3 teaspoons of dried pomegranate peel.6 - cup of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Thymus color:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - teaspoon food color (Totti) in a glass of water.4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5 - drink a glass of femtosecond center.6 - cup of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Color of the blood of deer:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - lemon juice.3 - two cups of blood Ghazal solution (a tablespoon of powdered deer blood in each cup of water).4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5 - a glass of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Blond color:1-10 tablespoons henna.2 - juice Amontin.3-3 tablespoons turmeric.4 - an appropriate amount of hot water.5 - a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (or regular vinegar).Mix all ingredients except lemon juice .. Leave to ferment for 3 hours, then add lemon juice and put it on your hair than an hour to 3 hours depending on the degree of color required.
Important Information:- The amount of hot water according to your opinion .. I mean, what must be coherent and makes the mixture rather than a liquid.
- In the case of dry hair to reduce the amount of vinegar and one large spoon and add 3 tablespoons of corn oil.
- Preferably use steam to the hair for 30 to 60 minutes .. And then drying the hair.
- Wash the henna with water and conditioner only .. And you can wash it with shampoo the next day.
- To install if the dye for a longer period .. Boil the orange peel and lemon with hot water used in the kneading for 10 minutes before using it for kneading.
- If you feel that the color is significant because the dark hair .. National whiten your hair using lemon and when it opens .. Use henna dye and rejoice, the result .. Color will look more noticeable
حقوق الملكية بيرفضها ادسنس
ردحذففى نواقص كتيرة وواضحة فى المدونة ويمكن تعديلها المحتوى مش كل شىء
فى حاجات خايف لو قلتها يبان ان بفطس فى المدونة انا ممكن اقول وجهة نظرى لو مش هيتفهم رأيى غلط